The Relationship Between Some Anthropometric Characteristics at Diffrent Levels of Difficulty With Statistic, Semi-Dynamic, Dynamic Balance in Ectomorph and Edomorph Nonathletic Women

Document Type : Research Paper



Background and Aim: One of the most important factors in balance are anthropometric characteristics such as height, weight, environment and width of limbs and skin fold. Present study aims at investigating the relationship between anthropometric parameters with static, semi-dynamic and dynamic balance at different levels of difficulty in ectomorph, endomorph non athletic women. Materials and methods: To this aim, 25 ectomorph woman with the average and standard deviation of age: 26.00±1.51 yrs, height: 166.9±1.14 cm and weight: 46.99±3.27 kg and 25 endomorph woman with the average and standard deviation of age: 27.32±2.13 yrs, height: 161.13±6.37 cm and weight: 58.28±8.46 kg in good condition of general health, voluntarily participated as subjects in this semi-experimental study. Anthropometric measures like height and weight and balance separately were calculated for each sample. We used descriptive statistics for measuring SD and mean and correlation coefficient Pearson inferential statistics for investigating relationship between selective anthropometric parameters and different kinds of balance.
Results: Body type have influence over type and also exsitance on lack of correlation between people’s balance with anthropometric parameters.
Conclusion: Considernig applied methods in this study for increasing motor task we can say in both ectomorph and ednomorph body types, somatotype when base of support is too much limited, it mean when the width of both soles reach to width of non dominant toe , there is no relation between static balance and anthropometric parameters (used in this research).
