Predicting Extent of Sport Injuries Based on Mental Toughness of Young Volleyball Players

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A of Sport Injuries, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Arak University, Arak, Iran

2 Department of Sport Physiology and Injuries, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Arak University, Arak, Iran

3 Department of Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Arak University, Arak, Iran


Background and Aim: Sports injuries are an integral part of sports in all age groups that cause concern among athletes during their careers; On the other hand, today the role of psychological variables in sports and related cases is undeniable. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prediction of sports injuries based on the mental toughness of young volleyball players.
Methods: In this study, 110 young volleyball players in Aligudarz with an average age of 22.24 years, an average weight of 78.43 kg and an average height of 185 cm were selected by purposive sampling. Initially, the baseline data of this study were used to select injured individuals to collect injury information, the Australian Sports Medicine Injury Standard Questionnaire was used to collect common injuries in volleyball. Then, using a 48-item questionnaire related to mental toughness, their mental toughness was measured. In order to describe and classify the information, the mean was used as the central index and the standard deviation was used as the dispersion index. Sample t-test, multivariate linear regression analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient were also used. All data were analyzed using SPSS software version 26 at a significance level of less than five percent.
Results: There is a negative correlation between the rate of sports injuries and mental toughness and the highest correlation score is related to the number of injuries and control in mental strength (r=-0.26) and the lowest correlation is related to the component. The recovery and confidence status (r=0)


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