Examine the effectiveness 5 weeks of training sensory integration on gross motor disorders in children with spastic cerebral palsy

Document Type : Research Paper



Background and aim: The aim of this study was to investigate of effects of sensory integration therapy (SIT) on gross motor disorders in children with spastic cerebral palsy. Material and Methods: In this semi experimental study, 18 children with spastic cerebral palsy aged 5‒10 years were selected through convenient sampling. They were then randomly divided into two groups of control and experimental. Firstly, they were pretested with gross motor function measurement test (GMFM-88). Then the Ayres Sensory Integration trainings was executed for 15 sessions, 45 minutes each session for 5 weeks. During the execution of the program, the control group performed their usual activities. After the end of the program, both groups were post-tested. Data analysis was performed using multivariate variance and ANOVA. Results: The results of this study showed the sensory integration therapy program made significant changes in gross motor disorders in spastic cerebral palsy children
n in experiment group but not in control group; (p<0/01).
Conclusion: According to the results of this research, it is suggested that the selected sensory integration therapy program (SIT) can improve gross motor disorders in children with spastic cerebral palsy.


Main Subjects

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