Shoulder girdle posture variations in women with breast cancer as a result of a combined resistance-mobility training program

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of Sport Medicine Department, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran

2 Faculty member of Physical education and sport sciences college, University of Tehran.

3 Faculty member of physical education and sport sciences college, University of Isfahan.


Background and aim: Invasive treatment of breast cancer can lead to negative changes in women’s posture. The aim of this study was to record and assess the impact of a home based resistance - mobility training protocol on the shoulder girdle posture variations among women after breast cancer treatment.
Materials and methods: This study is a randomized clinical trial including 40 women 45-65 years old with breast cancer who had completed treatment with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Finally, twenty seven women were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. The intervention group participated in the home based mobility and theraband resistance exercise program, during four weeks (four times a week). During the intervention, the control group had no change in their daily activity. The shoulder girdle posture was assessed using digital photogrammetry, before and after intervention. Data analysis was performed using ANCOVA.
Results: Following completion of the training intervention, significant improvement in thoracic kyphosis angle and scapula alignment was observed. The scapula distance to the spine didn’t change after exercise and the shoulder girdle inclination showed insignificant improvement.
Conclusion: Due to limited access to therapeutic and corrective facilities, for patients with breast cancer, significant improvement in kyphosis and scapula alignment variables can be considerable, after short-term home based exercise program. Due to progressive changes in body posture following breast cancer treatment and insignificant changes in certain variables after intervention, corrective exercise intervention must be used for longer periods and during or immediately after breast cancer treatment.


Main Subjects

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