The Effect of eight weeks of training on core stability and proprioceptive neuromuscular trunk women basketball elite

Document Type : Research Paper


ferdowsi university of mashhad


Background and aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of eight weeks of training on core stability and proprioceptive neuromuscular trunk women's basketball elite.
Material and Methods: 30 Khorasan Razavi elite basketball players were randomly selected and divided into two groups of 15 experimental and 15 control subjects were included. The experimental group neuromuscular warm-up exercises for 8 weeks, 3 sessions per week, each session lasting 20-15 minutes and the rest went to 90 minutes of basketball were common practice. But common practice basketball for 90 minutes, the control group did. McGill in the pre-test and bearing-Sorensen to assess muscle endurance and proprioception goniometer to measure the trunk was used for the spine. After 24 neuromuscular training session, the tests were all 30 again. After pretest and posttest data collection in order to evaluate and compare the subjects of statistical methods to compare repeated measures within groups of t-test was used.
Results: The results showed that in study on core stabilization exercises and proprioceptive. Conclusion: neuromuscular trunk significant difference was observed between the two groups (p<0.05).


Main Subjects

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