Comparison of the electromyography activity of gluteus medius in male and female athletes in single leg and double leg jump-Landing

Document Type : Research Paper


Tehran University


Background and aim: Neuromuscular weakness of hip muscles is as one of the factors in occurring more anterior cruciate ligament injury in female. So the first purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in gluteus medius activity and onset time between male and female in landing, and the second purpose is investigating the changes in gluteus medius activity between single leg landing and double leg landing.
Materials and methods: The kind of this study is descriptive-comparison, and 9 male and 9 female collegiate volleyball players participated voluntarily. Results of activity and onset time in single leg jump-landing and double leg jump-landing record with ME6000 and investigated with dependent and independent T tests (p≤0/05).
Results: Results showed there is not any significant differences in gluteus medius activity between male and female in single leg and double leg jump-landing (p>0/05). In comparison of single leg and double leg landing, onset and activity in single leg landing is significantly more than double leg landing (p<0/05).
Conclusion: More activity of this muscle in single leg jump-landing shows that use of single leg jump-landing exercise is better for improving the neuromuscular system. Onset and activity of this muscle is similar between genders, so neuromuscular weakness of gluteus medius cannot be the reason of more occurring anterior cruciate ligament injury in female. More researches on other hip muscles is needed for recognizing the reasons of more occurring of anterior cruciate ligament injury in female.


Main Subjects

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