The effect of a Period of Selected Pilate’s Exercises on Range of motion and Balance of Elderly Women

Document Type : Research Paper


Isfahan univercity


The decrease in range of motion of joints and balance is one of the main reasons why the elderly fall off from time to time, which brings about its own consequences such as physical harm. this study aims to investigate the effect of a period of selected Pilate’s exercises on range of motion and balance among elderly women.
In the present quasi-experimental study 23 healthy elderly women were selected from the volunteer elderly women in Isfahan through target sampling and availability and divided randomly into two groups; one experimental group and one control group.The experimental group received the treatment , but the control group received no treatment . Range of motion of joints and Static and dynamic balances . All of the above variables were measured both before and after the treatment (Pilate’s exercises). The data were analyzed through Analysis of Covariance at the significance level of P≤0.05.

The results showed that there was a significant improvement on the scores obtained from the tests measuring range of motion (thigh, ankle), and static and dynamic balances of the experimental group after 8 weeks of receiving exercises (P≤0.05), whereas no such significant improvement was observed in the control group.

Considering the results of the current study, it seems that the selected Pilate’s exercises have a significant effect on improving range of motion and balance among elderly women and therefore could be considered as an effective intervention.

Pilate’s exercises, range of motion, balance, elderly women


Main Subjects

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